Projects built on balena
Some awesome fully-featured projects built using balena.
Name | Description |
balena-dash | Build a Raspberry Pi based desktop dashboard for stats, photos, videos and more! |
balena-sense | Take readings from a BME680 or similar sensor on a Raspberry Pi, store with InfluxDB and view with Grafana |
wifi-repeater | Easily create a WiFi Access Point or WiFi repeater with balenaOS |
balena-cam | Network Camera with Raspberry Pi and WebRTC. Tutorial: |
rosetta-at-home | |
balena-node-red | a node-red application with balena-supervisor support, can be managed remotely via balena publicURL |
bluetooth | Optimized bluetooth agent for balenaOS. Based on BlueZ 5.0. |
dashboard | Grafana dashboard block with auto-visualization of InfluxDB databases to get your data visualized instantly! |
connector | Auto-configured data connector block based on Telegraf |
xserver | A simple X11 server block |
sensor | Auto-detects connected i2c sensors and published data on HTTP or MQTT. |
fbcp | fbcp driver for SPI based displays for Raspberry Pis via fbcp-ili9341 |
multiroom | Set up multiroom audio for your fleet of devices. Uses the Snapcast audio player. |
project-template | Project template for new Balena projects |
log2screen | |
dbus | |
pulse | A block for counting pulses on a Raspberry Pi GPIO pin. |
browsercontrol | |
video-capture | Provide an RTSP stream for a connected video source. |
logwatcher | |
lockr-block | Create or remove application update locks with the return code of any command. |
To find the complete list of projects to try and deploy, head to balenaHub!